segunda-feira, 27 de setembro de 2010

President denies elleged paternity claims

Luanda – The Angolan president, José Eduardo dos Santos, Monday in Luanda, denied information circulating since the weekend about the existence of an alleged 46-year old daughter of his.

"A supposed daughter of José Eduardo dos Santos appeared in Luanda for contacts with personalities close to the presidential family, in order to speak with the alleged father and have due recognition,” it was said.

The woman is called Ngutuila Josefa Matias and claims to be daughter to the Angolan head of State.

In reaction, the head of State told journalists it is pertinent for this matter to be raised as, he added, “it is opportune that a clarification is made about all that has been said about this issue,” he said.

“I have not read the story but relatives of and friends of mine read the article or the interview and told me about its content, obviously all this that has been said  left me chocked,” he said.

In the interview, José Eduardo dos Santos mentioned the woman as a citizen called Josefa who is looking for her biological father.

“From the content of this interview, this citizen must be patient and continue looking for her father,” he stressed.

From the elements she has put forward, José Eduardo dos Santos stated, "the person she is looking for is another one. It is not the José Eduardo dos Santos that I am".

If that person hears me and sees me on television she will come to the conclusion that “I am not the person she is referring to, I am not Edú, I am José as I am called at home by my relatives.”

During childhood, in the guerrilla and other circles, he said, “Everyone called me José Eduardo, never Edú”, he argued.
“Edú is someone else she must continue to look for,” he stated, adding that he arrived in Congo Leopoldeville in December 1961, at the age of 19 years and had no friendship with any Congolese family.

For about three years he lived in Congo, before leaving for the Soviet Union to complete his studies, José Eduardo dos Santos said, he did not have any girlfriend as the only thing he then thought of were his studies

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